Platform code6200310
Platform nameSmile LucSurMer
DescriptionBouée SNO Coast HF - Smile Luc-sur-mer
Institution(s)University of Caen, Marine Station of Luc/Mer, Research Center of Coastal Environment | French National Center for Scientific Research (head office) | Seine-Normandie Water Agency | Nke Instrumentation Sarl | University of Caen | Ifremer Head Office | European regional development fund (FEDER) |
Nominal Latitude49.3438
Nominal Longitude-0.3074
Platform Oceansites CodeSmile
Platform Wmo Code6200310
Eulerian networksMarel
Available dataFrom 03/06/2015 to 07/04/2024
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Physical parameters Depth, Practical salinity, Sea temperature, Electrical conductivity, Dissolved oxygen, Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Horizontal wind speed, Wind from direction relative true north, Air temperature in dry bulb, Relative humidity, Oxygen saturation, Gust wind speed, Ph, Turbidity, Altitude, Fluorescence, Mass concentration of oxygen, Pump flow at end of cycle, Gust wind from direction relative true north

Practical salinity

Sea temperature

Electrical conductivity

Dissolved oxygen

Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Horizontal wind speed

Wind from direction relative true north

Air temperature in dry bulb

Relative humidity

Oxygen saturation

Gust wind speed





Mass concentration of oxygen

Pump flow at end of cycle

Gust wind from direction relative true north