------------------------------------------------------------------- WHEN Creation date : 30/01/2013 WHO Contact : Thierry.Carval@ifremer.fr WHAT Description : Argo floats data for Eyjafjallajökull WHERE Origin : Ifremer - Sismer France HOW Data format : Argo NetCDF profiles format, one directory per year, one file per day ------------------------------------------------------------------- Description ------------------------------------------------------------------- All Argo float data available in spring 2009, spring 2010 and spring 2011 in North Atlantic area. Original data : ./data/*/*.nc Data in ODV collection : envri-argo-odv-2009-2010-2011.zip Argo data format and quality control procedures are described on : http://www.argodatamgt.org/Documentation The files were extracted from the Argo global data centre: ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/argo/ ODV (Ocean Data View) is available from : http://odv.awi.de/ Files generation status ------------------------------------------------------------------- >> select station_id from station where format_code = 'PF' and station_date >= to_date ('01/03/2010', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and station_date < to_date ('01/06/2010', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and latitude >= 10 and latitude < 90 and longitude >= -105 and longitude < 68 CO-05-16-03 Coriolis data set diffusion 29/01/2013 18:42:08 /home/coriolis_exp/bin/co05/co0516/co051603/dat/envri.txt 4371 4371 0:37:09 ok >> select station_id from station where format_code = 'PF' and station_date >= to_date ('01/03/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and station_date < to_date ('01/06/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and latitude >= 10 and latitude < 90 and longitude >= -105 and longitude < 68 CO-05-16-03 Coriolis data set diffusion 30/01/2013 09:38:19 /home/coriolis_exp/bin/co05/co0516/co051603/dat/envri.txt 5387 5387 0:33:46 ok >> select station_id from station where format_code = 'PF' and station_date >= to_date ('01/03/2009', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and station_date < to_date ('01/06/2009', 'DD/MM/YYYY') and latitude >= 10 and latitude < 90 and longitude >= -105 and longitude < 68 CO-05-16-03 Coriolis data set diffusion 30/01/2013 10:30:44 /home/coriolis_exp/bin/co05/co0516/co051603/dat/envri.txt 4847 4847 0:39:25 ok