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VARCHAR2 STANDARD_NAME STANDARD_NAME java.lang.String VARCHAR2300 P Alpha and beta-carotenes milligram/m3 ABCP301 P Total alkalinity micromole/kg ALKW536 P Total alkalinity millimole/m3 ALKY 1sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent147 P Altitude meter ALTS altitude508 P Ammonium (NH4-N) millimole/m3 AMON +mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water303 P Ammonium (NH4-N) micromole/kg AMOW ,moles_of_ammonium_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water84 P Atmospheric pressure at altitude hectopascal ATMP air_pressure82 P !Atmospheric pressure at sea level hectopascal ATMS air_pressure_at_sea_level83 P $Atmospheric pressure hourly tendency hectopascal/hour ATPT tendency_of_air_pressure305 P Alloxanthin milligram/m3 AXAP168 P Backscattering m-1 sr-1 BACKSCATTERING576 P !Particle backscattering at 532 nm m-1 BBP532577 P !Particle backscattering at 700 nm m-1 BBP700306 P %Number of bacteria cells in sea water 10+9/m3 BCCW308 P 19'-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin milligram/m3 BFUP169 P CDOM ppb CDOM320 P *Chlorophyll-a (less divinyl chlorophyll-a) milligram/m3 CH1P321 P Total chlorophyll microgram/kg CH1T322 P *Chlorophyll-b (less divinyl chlorophyll-b) milligram/m3 CH2P312 P Divinyl chlorophyll-a milligram/m3 CHAD313 P Epimere chlorophyll-a milligram/m3 CHAE314 P Divinyl chlorophyll-b milligram/m3 CHBD316 P Chlorophyll-c3 milligram/m3 CHC3315 P Chlorophyll-c1+c2 milligram/m3 CHCZ317 P Total chlorophyll-b milligram/m3 CHLB318 P Total chlorophyll-c milligram/m3 CHLC114 P Total chlorophyll milligram/m3 CHLT .mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_sea_water323 P $Number of ciliate cells in sea water 10+3/m3 CICW45 P Electrical conductivity S/m CNDC !sea_water_electrical_conductivity325 P Number of copepods in sea water count/m3 COPP583 P +Particle beam attenuation at 660 nanometers m-1 CP660331 P Chlorophyll-a >2 micrometers milligram/m3 CPH2332 P Chlorophyll-a >10 micrometers milligram/m3 CPH465 P Total chlorophyll-a milligram/m3 CPHL 0mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water557 P Daily rainfall rate millimeter/day DAILY_RAIN9 P Depth meter DEPH depth153 P Dew point temperature degree_Celsius DEWT dew_point_temperature337 P +Number of dinophysis specimens in sea water 10+3/m3 DINW579 P +Downwelling photosynthetic active radiation micromol m-2 s-1 DOWNWELLING_PAR 3downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_sea_water580 P Downwelling irradiance at 380 nm W m-2 nm-1 DOWN_IRRADIANCE380581 P Downwelling irradiance at 412 nm W m-2 nm-1 DOWN_IRRADIANCE412582 P Downwelling irradiance at 490 nm W m-2 nm-1 DOWN_IRRADIANCE49061 P Dissolved oxygen ml/l DOX1 &volume_fraction_of_oxygen_in_sea_water64 P Dissolved oxygen micromole/kg DOX2 *moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water11 P Dissolved oxygen millimole/m3 DOXY =mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water89 P Air temperature in dry bulb degree_Celsius DRYT air_temperature341 P Diadinoxanthin milligram/m3 DXAP578 P Estuary current speed meter/second ESTUARY_CUR13 P West-east current component meter/second EWCT eastward_sea_water_velocity174 P CO2 fugacity microatmosphere FCO2102 P Fluorescence milligram/m3 FLU2155 P Fluorescence FFU FLU363 P Fluorescence relative unit FLUO345 P Fucoxanthin milligram/m3 FUCP103 P Gust wind speed meter/second GSPD wind_speed_of_gust348 P +Number of gyrodinium specimens in sea water 10+3/m3 GYRW349 P 3Number of heterotrophic bacteria cells in sea water 10+6/m3 HBAW60 P (Current to direction relative true north degree HCDT direction_of_sea_water_velocity59 P Horizontal current speed meter/second HCSP sea_water_speed352 P 19'-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin milligram/m3 HFUP554 P Hourly rainfall rate millimeter/hour HOURLY_RAIN rainfall_rate156 P LIGHT IRRADIANCE SURFACE PAR micromole photon/(m2.s) LGH4105 P LONG-WAVE INCOMING RADIATION watt/m2 LINC369 P #Mesozooplankton ash-free dry weight milligram/m3 MSBO372 P Mesozooplankton dry weight milligram/m3 MSZW373 P +Number of nanoflagellate cells in sea water 10+3/m3 NFCW20 P South-north current component meter/second NSCT northward_sea_water_velocity381 P Nitrate (NO3-N) micromole/kg NTAW +moles_of_nitrate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water382 P Nitrite (NO2-N) micromole/kg NTIW +moles_of_nitrite_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water520 P Nitrate (NO3-N) millimole/m3 NTRA *mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water505 P Nitrite (NO2-N) millimole/m3 NTRI *mole_concentration_of_nitrite_in_sea_water500 P Nitrate + nitrite millimole/m3 NTRZ 6mole_concentration_of_nitrate_and_nitrite_in_sea_water384 P Nitrate + nitrite micromole/kg NTZW 7moles_of_nitrate_and_nitrite_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water100 P Oxygen saturation % OSAT ,fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water393 P *Number of picoeukaryote cells in sea water 10+6/m3 PCEW173 P CO2 partial pressure microatmosphere PCO2 7surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water395 P Peridinin milligram/m3 PERP151 P "Daily potential evapotranspiration millimeter/day PETD399 P Pheophytin >2 micrometers milligram/m3 PHE2400 P Pheophytin >10 micrometers milligram/m3 PHE4396 P Pheophytin-a milligram/m3 PHEA397 P Pheophytin-b milligram/m3 PHEB398 P Pheophytin-c milligram/m3 PHEC501 P Phosphate (PO4-P) millimole/m3 PHOS ,mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water402 P Phosphate (PO4-P) micromole/kg PHOW -moles_of_phosphate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water124 P pH none PHPH $sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale403 P Total Pheophytin milligram/m3 PHTP555 P Phycocyanin milligram/m3 PHYC547 P Sea potential temperature degree_Celsius POTENTIAL_TEMP sea_water_potential_temperature409 P ,Number of prochlorococcus cells in sea water 10+6/m3 PRCW28 P Sea pressure decibar PRES sea_water_pressure150 P Daily precipitation rate millimeter/day PRRD106 P Hourly precipitation rate millimeter/hour PRRT lwe_precipitation_rate30 P Practical salinity psu PSAL sea_water_salinity413 P Prasinoxanthin milligram/m3 PXAP104 P INCIDENT RADIATION watt/m2 RDIN90 P Relative humidity % RELH relative_humidity145 P River flow rate m3/second RVFL 1water_volume_transport_into_sea_water_from_rivers209 P Scattering m-1 sr-1 SCATTERING415 P Secchi disk depth meter SECC secchi_depth_of_sea_water552 P Sea sigma-theta kg/m3 SIGMA_THETA sea_water_sigma_theta502 P Silicate (SIO4-SI) millimole/m3 SLCA +mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water418 P Silicate (SIO4-SI) micromole/kg SLCW ,moles_of_silicate_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water146 P Observed sea level meter SLEV "sea_surface_height_above_sea_level176 P )Residual sea level (observed - predicted) meter SLVR Lsea_surface_height_correction_due_to_air_pressure_and_wind_at_high_frequency419 P *Number of synechococcus cells in sea water 10+6/m3 SNCW512 P Salinity (pre-1978 definition) g/kg SSAL58 P Sea temperature from TSG degree_Celsius SSJT504 P Sound velocity meter/second SVEL speed_of_sound_in_sea_water154 P SWELL DIRECTION REL TRUE N. degree SWDR95 P SWELL HEIGHT meter SWHT94 P SWELL PERIOD second SWPR35 P Sea temperature degree_Celsius TEMP sea_water_temperature605 P "Sea temperature from carbon sensor degree_Celsius TEMP_CO296 P "Sea temperature from oxygen sensor degree_Celsius TEMP_DOXY -temperature_of_sensor_for_oxygen_in_sea_water431 P Dissolved adenosine triphosphate milligram/m3 TPAW432 P Total pheopigments milligram/m3 TPHP157 P TRANSMISSIVITY per meter TRANSMISSIVITY132 P Total suspended matter gram/m3 TSMP 3mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water133 P Light attenuation coefficient m-1 TUR2435 P Light transmission % TUR3135 P Turbidity ntu TUR4 sea_water_turbidity436 P Turbidity relative unit TUR5101 P Turbidity milliF.T.U Formaz Turb Unit TUR6437 P Diatoxanthin milligram/m3 TXAP12 P Dissolved oxygen (deprecated) unknown UDOX511 P Undefined salinity unknown USAL108 P AVER. HEIGHT HIGHEST 1/3 WAVE meter VAVH159 P AVER. PERIOD HIGHEST 1/3 WAVE second VAVT158 P MAX CREST TROUGH WAVE HEIGHT meter VCMX231 P Bottom-top current component meter/second VCSP upward_sea_water_velocity109 P WAVE DIRECTION REL. TRUE NORTH degree VDIR sea_surface_wave_from_direction214 P WAVE SPECTRUM PEAK ENERGY m2 second VEPK160 P SPECTRAL SIGNIF. WAVE HEIGHT meter VHM0232 P MAX PERIOD HIGHEST 1/3 WAVE second VMAT212 P WAVE SPECTRUM PEAK ENERGY DIR. degree VPED213 P DIR. SPREADING AT WAVE PEAK degree VPSP210 P SPECT. MOMENT(0,2) WAVE PERIOD second VSMC139 P SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT meter VTDH #sea_surface_wave_significant_height211 P WAVE SPECTRUM PEAK PERIOD second VTPK148 P AVER ZERO CROSSING WAVE PERIOD second VTZA 'sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period233 P PERIOD OF THE HIGHEST WAVE second VTZM553 P Beaufort wind force none WBFO beaufort_wind_force88 P 'Wind from direction relative true north degree WDIR wind_from_direction556 P Air temperature in wet bulb degree_Celsius WETT wet_bulb_temperature87 P Horizontal wind speed meter/second WSPD wind_speed228 P West-east wind component meter/second WSPE eastward_wind229 P South-north wind component meter/second WSPN northward_wind230 P %Wind to direction relative true north degree WTODIR wind_to_direction558 P Maximum wave height meter WV_MAX_HGT559 P Maximum wave period second WV_MAX_PER561 P Significant wave direction degree WV_SIG_DIR560 P Significant wave period second WV_SIG_PER575 P Bisulfide (HS-) micromole/kg XXXX444 P Zeaxanthin milligram/m3 ZXAPPR=aQ#\*q = K h X Y yS>?9x- iwg3pQ3A0  6 !D!!"""#+#$$x$%%&*&w&'#'[''(O()2)x)*?**++M++,$,e,,-C-.#.m../K//0M01 1U12223<34 4P44505s~  __bookmark_1 /0.4 /21 /23 /82 /22 ( /0.-2(QuRs0:0) /0.5 d /1.-3(QuRs0:0)( /0.10   /2.-3(QuRs0:1) /0.10  uB /3.-3(QuRs0:2) /0.10   /4.-3(QuRs0:3)u /0.10  S /5.-3(QuRs0:4) /0.10   /6.-3(QuRs0:5)S /0.10  1 /7.-3(QuRs0:6) /0.10  m /8.-3(QuRs0:7)1 /0.10   /9.-3(QuRs0:8) /0.10 L! /10.-3(QuRs0:9) /0.10 " /11.-3(QuRs0:10) /0.10 a." /12.-3(QuRs0:11) /0.10 " /13.-3(QuRs0:12)a /0.10 C" /14.-3(QuRs0:13) /0.10  " /15.-3(QuRs0:14)C /0.10  %" /16.-3(QuRs0:15) /0.10  c" /17.-3(QuRs0:16)% /0.10  " /18.-3(QuRs0:17) /0.10  x E" /19.-3(QuRs0:18)  /0.10  " /20.-3(QuRs0:19) x /0.10  Z '" /21.-3(QuRs0:20)  /0.10  " /22.-3(QuRs0:21) Z /0.10  < " /23.-3(QuRs0:22)  /0.10  z" /24.-3(QuRs0:23) < /0.10   " /25.-3(QuRs0:24)  /0.10  \" /26.-3(QuRs0:25)  /0.10  " /27.-3(QuRs0:26)  /0.10  q >" /28.-3(QuRs0:27)  /0.10  " /29.-3(QuRs0:28) q /0.10  S " /30.-3(QuRs0:29)  /0.10  " /31.-3(QuRs0:30)S /0.10  5" /32.-3(QuRs0:31) /0.10 s" /33.-3(QuRs0:32)5 /0.10 ! 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