SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='7TEV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='CNOJ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBBH' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBCK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBFP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBKV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBLK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EBDK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EBHL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EDSV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EGYR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='ENHU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EOHF' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EREA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='ERES' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='ESNJ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EWEL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02576' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO03657' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10215' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10249' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10257' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10259' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10403' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10525' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10541' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10543' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10558' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10569' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10574' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10580' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10590' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10627' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10847' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11533' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11681' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12204' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12416' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12901' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO13013' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO13214' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO13364' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0180' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0426' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0569' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0680' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1187' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1299' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1690' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1709' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FITA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FZVN' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GBBC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GDLS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GLNE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GQCA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GRGE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GURN' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='JDSS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='JDVA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='KCEJ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='KJCL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='LJIT' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='LLZG' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NHTM' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NIGD' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NQES' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0056' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0145' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0197' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0254' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0284' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0305' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0324' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0351' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0361' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0366' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0377' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='PIBQ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='SHIP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UBLF' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UBYK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UDUM' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UERL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UGNQ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UJFY' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UJHX' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UKXT' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UMFW' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UMQT' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UNNR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UNOU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UQIH' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='USDO' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='USKQ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UUPB' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UWEC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UYEV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UZGH' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='WMVF' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='Y3CW' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1990 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1980 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='YBDA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_142309_15163301/; -valid_qc=12578