SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3YAI' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='5MFK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBBH' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DBFR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EREA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EREC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='ESRL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO01493' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO01576' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO01750' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO01829' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO01942' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02045' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02139' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02176' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02181' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02191' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02198' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO02403' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO06320' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO06438' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10291' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10296' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10311' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10312' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10318' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10322' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10335' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10336' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10341' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10346' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10350' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10351' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10356' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10378' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10388' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10403' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10404' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10438' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10532' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10537' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10538' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10539' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10540' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10541' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10543' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10545' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10558' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10561' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10580' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10590' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10626' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10627' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10651' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10654' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10754' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10835' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10840' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10842' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10861' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10925' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10933' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10949' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10953' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10989' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10992' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO10993' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11004' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11018' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11050' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11088' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11380' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11390' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11394' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11407' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11431' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11437' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11438' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11442' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11454' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11481' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11499' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11503' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11509' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11515' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11546' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11550' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11623' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11624' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11640' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11645' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11660' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11666' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11667' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11669' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11672' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11676' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11678' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11679' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11681' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11690' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11795' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11797' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11799' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11818' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11819' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11822' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11828' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11830' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11849' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11850' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11853' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11854' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11855' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11865' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11867' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11871' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11894' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11947' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11949' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11955' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11958' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO11961' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12060' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12391' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12392' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12778' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO12785' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO13303' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXO13342' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0011' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0631' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0732' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0773' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC0781' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1043' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1123' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1247' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1258' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1398' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1600' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXOC1716' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FAMO' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FBEZ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FNFP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FOAE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='FOSX' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GLNE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GQCA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GRGE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GUHZ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='HP4649' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='HQCR9' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='HQDU2' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='JIQD' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='KIEA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='LLZG' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='LXBT' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='MNFF3' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NAET' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NATP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NAYC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NAYG' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NAYK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NBFE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NBGG' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NBHY' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NBJR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NCAA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NCJE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NCRV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NDLV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NDRV' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NDSK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NFFS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NFPS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NFWC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NGLN' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NHEE' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NHTD' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NIMN' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NIXG' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NIYJ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJEW' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJHJ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJJS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJTA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJUL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJWW' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NJZU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NKPD' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NLVS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NLZL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NOAL' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NOHW' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NOXU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NSPK' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTHI' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTIR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTPC' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTQP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTSS' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NTWR' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NXAY' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0145' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0153' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0170' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0235' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0237' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0302' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0315' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='OCL0324' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='PFOY' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='SHIP' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='TQII' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UBLF' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UHNA' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UHYT' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UJGX' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UKKN' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UMAY' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UNLQ' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UNOU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UOLF' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UQIH' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='USDO' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='USPO' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42.267 AND s.latitude >= 29.737 AND ((s.longitude <= 3.58 AND s.longitude >= -14.917) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(3.58-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-14.917-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('01/01/1970 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/1960 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND EXISTS (SELECT P.profile_id FROM profile P WHERE P.physical_param_code in (35, 30) AND P.station_id = s.station_id) AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='UTTU' and cs.classification_code=3;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250303_140935_15163219/; -valid_qc=12578