SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900176' and cs.classification_code=1;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49018' and cs.classification_code=1;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49024' and cs.classification_code=1;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13862' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13863' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13864' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13865' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13866' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='13867' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='181S0100' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18C80100' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18FN0300' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18FN0600' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18IS0100' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18IS0300' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18IS0600' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18NE0100' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='18TR0400' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900022' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900035' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900039' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900040' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900074' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900245' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900248' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900258' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900275' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900276' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900278' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900279' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='19005' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900638' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='1900639' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3900580' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3900581' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3900582' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3900599' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='39016' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='3NI' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41525' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41531' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41533' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41535' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41536' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41539' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41541' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41542' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41543' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41545' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41546' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41547' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41548' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41549' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41857' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41858' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41859' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41860' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41861' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41863' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41864' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41865' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41866' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41867' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41868' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41870' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41872' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41873' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41874' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41875' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41876' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41877' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41878' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41879' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41880' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41881' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41882' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41883' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41885' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41886' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41887' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41890' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41891' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41892' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41895' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41896' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41898' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41899' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41900' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='41951' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='44870' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='44871' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='44872' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='44873' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='44874' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900132' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900133' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900134' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900135' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900136' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900147' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900148' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900149' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900150' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900151' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900156' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900157' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900158' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900159' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900160' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900182' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900183' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900184' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900185' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900186' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900187' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900189' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900207' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900208' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900209' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900210' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900211' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900213' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900214' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900216' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900217' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900218' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900219' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900220' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900221' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900227' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900228' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900229' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900230' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900232' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900233' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900235' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900236' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900248' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900249' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900250' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900260' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900263' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900264' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900268' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900269' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900270' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900271' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900272' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900273' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900297' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900320' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900321' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900349' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900350' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900352' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900353' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900356' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900359' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900360' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900361' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900362' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900363' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900364' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900365' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900366' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900367' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900370' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900382' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900383' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900385' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900406' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900409' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900411' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900412' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900415' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900416' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900417' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900419' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900420' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900423' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900424' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900425' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900426' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900428' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900429' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900435' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900436' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900437' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900438' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900439' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900440' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900441' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900442' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900443' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900444' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900445' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900446' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900455' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900456' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900457' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900458' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900459' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900460' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900461' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900462' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900463' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900464' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900466' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900469' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900470' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900471' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900497' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900498' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900505' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900506' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900507' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900525' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900535' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900536' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900544' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900545' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900546' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900547' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900548' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900549' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900551' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900552' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900553' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900554' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900559' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900560' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900561' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900562' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900563' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900564' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900567' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900578' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900579' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900580' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900581' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900582' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900584' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900589' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900590' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900593' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900594' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900595' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900596' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900599' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900600' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900602' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900604' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900605' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900606' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900613' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900614' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900617' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900618' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900619' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900620' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900621' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900622' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900627' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900684' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900685' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900686' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900687' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49007' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900729' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900730' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900731' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900732' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900745' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900746' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900747' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900748' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900751' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900752' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900753' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900754' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900757' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900771' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900772' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900780' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900781' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900782' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900784' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900785' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900787' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900788' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900789' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900790' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900791' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900792' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900794' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49008' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900800' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900801' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900802' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900803' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900804' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900878' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='4900881' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49010' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49012' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49015' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49016' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49017' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49018' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49019' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49021' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49022' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49023' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49024' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49026' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49027' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='49042' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='62685' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='62730' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='62878' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='62880' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='6900117' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='6900168' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='69024' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='69025' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='69027' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='9HZJ5' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='DUE' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXSD0944' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='EXSD2429' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='GLAC' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='KNDB' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='NVSN' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='SHIPGTSP' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578 SELECT s.station_id FROM CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs, (SELECT cs.STATION_ID from CLASSIFICATION_STATION cs,STATION s, (select platform_code from platform ) P WHERE S.platform_code = P.platform_code AND cs.classification_code IN (1, 9) AND (cs.restriction = 'P' or cs.restriction is null) AND cs.station_id = s.station_id AND s.latitude <= 42 AND s.latitude >= 18 AND ((s.longitude <= -40 AND s.longitude >= -80) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40+360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80+360, 360)) OR (s.longitude <= MOD(-40-360, 360) AND s.longitude >= MOD(-80-360, 360)) ) AND s.station_date <= TO_DATE('31/12/2006 23:59:59', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.station_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2000 00:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND s.date_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) AND s.position_quality_code IN (1,2,5,7,8) ) stationToDiff, STATION s, CLASSIFICATION_TYPE ct WHERE cs.station_id = stationToDiff.station_id AND s.station_id = cs.station_id AND ct.classification_code = cs.classification_code AND s.PLATFORM_CODE='ZCJD7' and cs.classification_code=9;/home1/datawork/co_exp/coriolis_exp/spool/co05/co0501/tmp/DataSelection_20250116_192931_15140584/; -valid_qc=12578