Platform code41101
Platform nameEast of Martinique
DescriptionBouée météorologique East of Martinique
Nominal Latitude14.6
Nominal Longitude-56.2
Eulerian networksBouées météo
Available dataFrom 06/08/2007 to 16/12/2012
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Physical parameters Depth, Sea temperature, Atmospheric pressure at sea level, Atmospheric pressure hourly tendency, Horizontal wind speed, Wind from direction relative true north, Air temperature in dry bulb, Relative humidity, Dew point temperature, Generic significant wave height (Hs), Generic average wave period

Sea temperature

Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Atmospheric pressure hourly tendency

Horizontal wind speed

Wind from direction relative true north

Air temperature in dry bulb

Relative humidity

Dew point temperature

Generic significant wave height (Hs)

Generic average wave period